Backpacking Shakedown Overnight Trip
Trip Details:
Milage: 8 miles round trip
Difficulty: Easy to moderate (3-4 miles that are relatively flat)
Trail: Buncombe Horse Trail near Mount Mitchell
This trip is for:
Women new to backpacking who have the gear to equip themselves for an overnight trip
Women who are trying their gear for the first time
Women who would like to hike along an experienced guide who can offer recommendations and insight on tips, hacks, and ways to pack more effieciently
Women who would like to learn map and compass skills
You need:
To have proper equipment and apparel for an overnight trip in the backcountry
Itemized pack list will be provided
Water vessel that can hold 2.5-3L (bladder, bottles, etc.)
Transportation to the trailhead
Your Instructor/Guide: Jamie Young
Growing up in Western North Carolina, Jamie spent her summers hiking and backpacking in the Appalachian Mountains. While attending Appalachian State University, she completed courses in Backpacking, Orienteering, Backcountry Ethics, and worked at the University's outdoor center. She has been volunteering with local women's groups for the past few years leading beginner backpacking and camping trips. Recently she has volunteered as an instructor offering classes in basic map and compass skills as well as orienteering workshops.
All participants are required to sign a liability waiver and emergency contact form prior to this event. Backcountry trips will have these forms emailed to you prior to the trip. Classroom-style events will have forms in-person the day of.
The money collected from this course goes to the cost of our permits to continue to operate these classes, reserved space, and supplies used for this class. Wild Forces Instructors are volunteers. Third-party events and guides are at cost, Wild Forces does not take any percentage of funds collected.
We can issue a refund up to the day before the class, June 11. We cannot issue a refund for day of cancellations and no show participants. Please allow 3-5 days for the refund to process.
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Wild Forces does not share personal information or data.
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