Every dollar counts.
We are a federally recognized 501(c)3 nonprofit and while our team volunteer their time to teach and manage Wild Forces, the costs add up to operate to the level and standard we aim for. Your generosity makes it possible for us to continue to offer affordable and accessible wilderness education and support for leadership roles for women in the outdoors.
2023 Goals
Onboard, train, and outfit 8-10 new instructors.
Develop Diversity Outreach Committee that will focus on finding and creating opportunities for us to engage and support women in under-represented and under-resourced communities, such as women of color and LGBTQ+. We hope to offer free classes for these individuals/groups as well as sponsorships for leaders in these communities so they can acquire professional certifications and training.
New website with on-demand online content and classes.
Create more promotional/marketing materials & purchase booth equipment to attend conferences allowing us to network and grow our visibility as an organization.